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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Nars Sheer Glow Foundation; REVIEW

If you're a regular reader of this blog you will be thinking "Gem, you're oily. Why oh why did you buy this". 
As an oily person, I have spent the last few years being told to stay away from any makeup bases that include the word glow, dewy and luminous, and for a while that's exactly what I did. Until I began reading some reviews on the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation from other oily gals that said they had no problems with the product and actually, loved it. That swung it for me. I had to have it.
First of all, this was my first ever Nars purchase, and I was excited. I decided that I would definitely be needing the pump and purchased that along with the foundation, and a bronzer for good measure, obviously.

The first day I decided to use this, I set about applying without a primer to really get a feel for the foundation itself. You can watch my first impressions video here. I was fairly impressed, it lasted well, covered everything and that was that. I liked the coverage, I liked the colour match. All was well.
The next day however, I woke up to find my skin had erupted into horrible little pimples that I wasn't expecting nor was I too happy about. I sorted them out, camouflaged and this time applied my Nars Sheer glow with primer. Again, the coverage, colour, and lasting power were all impressive. And the next day? No spots to report. Perhaps if you're oily and get congested pores quite easily such as myself then a primer is crucial - I find that it helped hold the foundation but also created a barrier between my skin and the foundation, eliminating the pimple situation!
I generally get around five hours of wear out of this foundation before I feel I need to go on in with some blotting sheets and patch up my nose and oily chin, which on the whole isn't too bad. I really enjoy the second skin feeling that I get with this foundation, and how much I can sheer out the coverage if so required to give the appearance of no makeup. I definitely think that those with combination or dry skin would get along with this foundation better than I, and in hindsight I really should have gone for the Sheer Matte foundation - I really need to learn that foundations work for everyone individually but I just get caught up with all the excitement of buying something new!
If you're the type of gal that likes to be able to access her foundation with ease and as little mess as possible, I would certainly advise you to invest in the pump from Nars, as it saves you time and effort, and I have a feeling a little product to boot!
Have you tried the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation? What other Nars products should be on my wish list?
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